We have a few important URLs for restaurants to use.  Outlined below are the key URLs your restaurant should be concerned with.

note: OpenMenu_ID would be replaced with the OpenMenu ID for your restaurant


  • https://openmenu.com/restaurant/Your_OpenMenu_ID – This is the free website we give all restaurants on OpenMenu and is a great place to see your menu rendered as your customers will see it.  This free website is mobile ready and will work across any smart device (we give you a QR Code to help promote it).
  • https://openmenu.com/deal/Your_OpenMenu_ID – Like your OpenMenu this is the highly structured format of your restaurants deals to be used in any of our Deal and Coupon solutions. Typically you only need the OpenMenu ID as the deal interface asks for the ID only and not the complete URL.  We make the complete URL available if you want to extend a solution.

note: Your can replace the OpenMenu ID we issue with a Vanity ID selected by you to better match your restaurant.