[API_KEY] + parameters


[required] key for access to the API (get/view your key)
format: api key
[required] id which was provided by the results of a call
format: generated key
[not required] Limit the results to a location.
format: postal code to limit search results
[not required] Limit the results to a location.
format: string
[not required] Force the results to be limited to a single state.
format: 2 characters (two-digit code)
[required] Limit the results to a single country.
format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

Return Values

Returns details about the API and call
  • status: see below Return Status Codes
  • api_version: 2.2
  • format: json
  • api_key: [your api key]
return of terms with the following structure
  • term: 2 - 75 characters
  • frequency: integer
  • first_occurrence_postion: integer
  • score: float
  • part_of_speech: ADJ | ADP | ADV | AUX | CCONJ | DET | INTJ | NOUN | NUM | O | PART | PRON | PROPN | PUNCT | SCONJ | SYM | VERB
  • type: syntax | key_phrases
return of menu_item with the following structure
  • mi_name: 2 - 75 characters
  • mi_description: 0 - 450 characters
  • mi_group_name: 2 - 75 characters
  • avg_price: numeric
  • first_occurrence_postion: integer
  • frequency: integer
  • has_fish: float (confidence score)
  • has_shellfish: float (confidence score)
  • has_poultry: float (confidence score)
  • has_pork: float (confidence score)
  • has_beef: float (confidence score)
  • has_lamb: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_dessert: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_appetizer: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_side: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_sandwich: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_salad: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_beverage: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_burger: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_pasta: float (confidence score)
  • typeof_pizza: float (confidence score)
  • heat_index: float (confidence score)
  • is_peppery_spicy: float (confidence score)
  • is_salty: float (confidence score)
  • is_cooling: float (confidence score)
  • is_garlicy: float (confidence score)
  • is_woody_earthy: float (confidence score)
  • is_tomatoey: float (confidence score)
  • is_floral: float (confidence score)
  • is_fruity: float (confidence score)
  • is_citrusy: float (confidence score)
  • is_sour: float (confidence score)
  • is_sweet: float (confidence score)
  • is_roasted_toasted: float (confidence score)
  • is_chocolatey: float (confidence score)
  • is_nutty: float (confidence score)
  • is_buttery: float (confidence score)
  • is_cheesy: float (confidence score)
  • is_bitter: float (confidence score)
  • has_corn: float (confidence score)
  • has_oats: float (confidence score)
  • has_rice: float (confidence score)
  • has_wheat: float (confidence score)
  • has_cheese: float (confidence score)
  • has_eggs: float (confidence score)
  • has_milk: float (confidence score)
  • has_peanuts: float (confidence score)
  • has_nuts: float (confidence score)
  • has_coffee: float (confidence score)
  • has_oil: float (confidence score)
  • has_vinegar: float (confidence score)
  • served_plate: float (confidence score)
  • served_bowl: float (confidence score)
  • served_cup: float (confidence score)
  • served_skewer: float (confidence score)
  • feel_crunchy: float (confidence score)
  • feel_soft: float (confidence score)
  • feel_hard: float (confidence score)
  • temperature_hot: float (confidence score)
  • temperature_cold: float (confidence score)
  • temperature_room: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_baked: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_broiled: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_grilled: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_boiled: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_pan_fried: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_deep_fried: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_flambe: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_roasted: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_sauteed: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_blanched: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_braised: float (confidence score)
  • cooked_poached: float (confidence score)
return of frequency with the following structure
  • term: 2 - 125 characters
  • total_frequency: integer
  • avg_postion: float
  • score: float
  • weight: float
return of menu_item(s) with the following structure
  • mi_name: 2 - 75 characters
  • mi_description: 0 - 450 characters
  • total_frequency: integer
  • avg_postion: float
  • avg_price: float
  • score: float
  • weight: float
return of the term and menu_item structure where the OpenMenu and trends align (intersect)
openmenu - return of the term and menu_item structure where the OpenMenu differs from the trends
trends - return of the term and menu_item structure where the trends differ from the OpenMenu

Return Status Codes

successful call
call resulted in an empty resultset
incorrect or missing API key
incorrect or missing required parameter
call limit exceeded on API key (check your limit)

Sample Response