We are OpenMenu, We
Help Restaurants Grow Their Business Help Companies Understand Restaurants Connect People to Restaurants

A big data company that provides complete solutions to restaurants, big data to companies in the restaurant industry and a way to connect people with restaurants.

OpenMenu Platform

A platform specifically built for restaurants. One menu, one location, infinite possibilities. Trusted by restaurants in all 50 states and over 100 countries.

OpenMenu Insights

Taking our big data to create a better understanding of the restaurant industry and provide the menu data, and results, to companies.

OpenMenu Connect

Connecting customers, brands and companies directly to restaurants. We make data actionable in real-time to and from restaurants.


OpenMenu Platform

Built specifically for restaurants to provide a single location to manage their brand online.

Providing more tools and features than other platforms. Online Ordering, Menu Management, Deal & Coupons and Guest Surveys just to name a few.

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OpenMenu Insights

Creating a better understanding of the restaurant industry through accurate big data and advanced analytics.

We take our understanding of the restaurant industry and create real-time reporting of menu changes, market trends and so much more. Why deal with static reports when you can have a truly digitial insight experience.

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OpenMenu Connect

Marketing to restaurant operators and customers at the time they are in front of the menu.

Connect to operators when they are adding/changing their menus and customers at the time menu decisions are being made. Direct connections through OpenMenu's menu connection/distribution pipeline.

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OpenMenu for the Industry

OpenMenu Insights™ is our knowledge understanding platform for the restaurant industry powered by DishDNA™
Dish DNA

Introducing DishDNA™: Your culinary companion for decoding the essence of every dish. With its cutting-edge technology, DishDNA™ identifies and analyzes over 50 properties of each menu item, unveiling its unique dish fingerprint.

Dish Craft

Introducing DishCraft™: Customize restaurant menus like never before. With just a few clicks, transform any dish to suit a taste preference. Whether adding a twist to a classic favorite, catering to specific dietary needs or changing a dish from one cuisine to another, DishCraft™ offers the ability to precisely design new dishes.