The free web page we give all restaurants (sample) on the OpenMenu Platform can be customized right from the URL.  This allows restaurants, and anyone linking to the web page, to modify the look of the page.


  • group_break: [true | false] – displays the menu in a 2 column format with hard breaks between groups (this setting overrides the 1 display_columns setting)
  • display_columns: [1 | 2] – menu items will be displayed in 1 or 2 columns
  • split_on: [item | group] – when display_columns is set to 2 this determines whether the split is based on a group (so groups are left intact) or on menu items
  • menu_filter: [string] – set to a string matching a menu name to display that menu only (can use a comma-separated list to show multiple)
  • group_filter: [string] – set to a string matching a menu group name to display that group only (can use a comma-separated list to show multiple)
  • st: [set to empty] – when set short tags are used in the menu.  Special tags like special, vegetarian and others are shortened to one or two letters
  • cdv: [set to empty] – when set deals/coupons are shown in a compact view (title of the deal/coupon is shown only)
