When you’ve created the OpenMenu for your restaurant for the first time you have to submit the restaurant.  A short review occurs and your OpenMenu will be made live.  Also, when changes are made to your OpenMenu you’ll have to re-submit.  This process ensures that you stay in control of when your restaurant is live and when changes to your menu is made live.

When you see the ‘submission required’ note next to your restaurant (reference image below) in the OpenMenu Creator you’ll need to submit it so the changes can be processed and your live OpenMenu is updated.

Submit from the main page:

Submit from any page while editing your OpenMenu:

What do the status messages mean:

  • New – Restaurant/menu has not been submitted for inclusion into the OpenMenu Platform
  • Pending Submission – Restaurant/menu has been submitted and in the queue for review by OpenMenu. During this time any changes will be picked up once the menu is processed so you can continue to edit while it’s pending
  • Submission Required – You’ve made changes to your restaurant/menu that have not been submitted.
  • Completed – Restaurant/menu has been added/updated in the OpenMenu Platform. Any additional changes to the menu will have to be resubmitted.
  • Issues (see note) – The restaurant/menu did not meet the requirements to be added.  A note will be placed below the Last Status line with information on what the issues are.
Important: Please read the Menu Submission Guidelines before submitting any menu.
Guidelines must be met or a menu will not be accepted.