Longhorn Steakhouse

When you come into LongHorn Steakhouse, you're paying a visit to the West. The authentic West. The West of loyalty, hospitality, and of course, real good food.

7401 North Grand Prairie Dr, Peoria, IL 61615, US
• Monday: 11:00AM-10:00AM •Tuesday: 11:00AM-10:00AM •Wednesday: 11:00AM-10:00AM •Thursday: 11:00AM-10:00AM •Friday: 11:00AM-11:00AM •Saturday: 11:00AM-11:00AM •Sunday: 11:00AM-10:00AM •

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Cuisine: Steakhouse
Alcohol Type:
Takeout Available:
Delivery Available:
Catering Available:
Smoking Allowed: No
Dress Code: casual
Wheelchair Accessible:
Music Type: