Crepe Montagne

French casual restaurant specialized in cheese fondues, meat fondue, Swiss Raclette along with a wide variety of savoury and sweet crepes

#116-4368 Main Street, Whistler, BC V0N 1B4, CA
• Monday: 8:00AM-9:30PM •Tuesday: 8:00AM-9:30PM •Wednesday: 8:00AM-9:30PM •Thursday: 8:00AM-9:30PM •Friday: 8:00AM-9:30PM •Saturday: 8:00AM-9:30PM •Sunday: 8:00AM-9:30PM •

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Cuisine: French/French Bistro
Parking: Street (free), Street (metered)
Alcohol Type: full bar
Takeout Available: Yes
Delivery Available: No
Catering Available: Yes
Reservations: No
Smoking Allowed: No
Dress Code: none
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Seating: Patio, Indoor
Music Type: pre-recorded