Sala Sala Restaurant

Welcome to Sala Sala Restaurant. Our staff are committed to ensuring that you have the most enjoyable and authentic dining experience possible.

142 Papanui Road, Christchurch, 8014, NZ
• Tuesday: 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-10:00PM •Wednesday: 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-10:00PM •Thursday: 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-10:00PM •Friday: 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-10:00PM •Saturday: 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-10:00PM •Sunday: 11:30AM-2:00PM, 5:30PM-10:00PM •

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Cuisine: Chinese
Alcohol Type:
Takeout Available:
Delivery Available:
Catering Available:
Reservations: Yes
Smoking Allowed:
Dress Code:
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Seating: Indoor, Outdoor
Music Type: