Deux Amis

Deux Amis in midtown Manhattan offers French cuisine in an intimate setting with indoor and outdoor seating.

356 East 51st Street, Manhattan, NY 10022, US
• Monday: 5:00AM-11:00AM •Tuesday: 5:00AM-11:00AM •Wednesday: 5:00AM-11:00AM •Thursday: 5:00AM-11:00AM •Friday: 5:00AM-12:00PM •Saturday: 12:00PM-12:00PM •Sunday: 12:00PM-11:00AM •

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Cuisine: French/French Bistro
Alcohol Type:
Takeout Available:
Delivery Available:
Catering Available:
Reservations: Yes
Smoking Allowed:
Dress Code:
Wheelchair Accessible:
Seating: Outdoor, Indoor
Music Type: