Clarence Road Eatery

Clarence Rd Eatery is an all day cafe/restaurant in Northcote Point and occupying the historic building next door to the popular Bridgeway Cinema

124 Queen Street, Auckland, 0627, NZ
• Monday: 6:30AM-10:00PM •Tuesday: 6:30AM-10:00PM •Wednesday: 6:30AM-10:00PM •Thursday: 6:30AM-10:00PM •Friday: 6:30AM-10:00PM •Saturday: 6:30AM-10:00PM •Sunday: 6:30AM-10:00PM •

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Cuisine: Italian
Alcohol Type:
Takeout Available:
Delivery Available:
Catering Available:
Reservations: Yes
Smoking Allowed:
Dress Code:
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Seating: Indoor, Outdoor
Music Type: