Blacks Pub & Restaurant

A Whistler Tradition! Blacks Pub And Restaurant is one of Whistler's oldest establishments. Blacks continues to set the standard in great value for food and service. With a first-rate setting, Blacks offers amazing views and excellent service.

4270 Mountain Square, Whistler, BC v0n1b4, CA
• Monday: 7:00AM-1:00AM •Tuesday: 7:00AM-1:00AM •Wednesday: 7:00AM-1:00AM •Thursday: 7:00AM-1:00AM •Friday: 7:00AM-1:00AM •Saturday: 7:00AM-1:00AM •

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Cuisine: Brew/Pubs/Microbrewery
Parking: Street (metered)
Alcohol Type: full bar
Takeout Available: Yes
Delivery Available: No
Catering Available: No
Reservations: Yes
Smoking Allowed: No
Dress Code: none
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Seating: Indoor, Patio
Music Type: live