Skybox Restaurant

Featuring great steaks, seafood, salads and sandwiches Skybox Restaurant and Sports Bar offers Nolan Ryan All Natural Beef. Located at the base of the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountain our customers can wine & dine from our second story location boasting

5605 E River Rd Suite 201, Tucson, AZ 85750, US
• Monday: 11:00AM-1:00AM •Tuesday: 11:00AM-1:00AM •Wednesday: 11:00AM-1:00AM •Thursday: 11:00AM-1:00AM •Friday: 11:00AM-2:00AM •Saturday: 11:00AM-2:00AM •Sunday: 11:00AM-1:00AM •

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Cuisine: Steakhouse
Parking: Street (free), Private Lot
Alcohol Type: full bar
Takeout Available: Yes
Delivery Available: No
Catering Available: Yes
Reservations: No
Smoking Allowed: Yes
Dress Code: casual
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Seating: Patio, Indoor
Music Type: live