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slow roasted tomatoes, scrambled eggs and grilled toast
tomatoes and grain mustard
fresh fruit and manuka honey
argan oil, crispy florets and goats cheese
smoked paprika and shallot tempura
truffle dressing, rocket and rosemary
pea purée, spring vegetables and wild garlic
pear chutney, cornichons and sour dough toast
white radish, green mango and pickled mushrooms
baby watercress, tomato and truffle dressing
aubergine purée, couscous salad and preserved lemon
smoked haddock, mussels and potato mousseline
grilled asparagus, quails egg and beurre rouge
smoked tomato, baby spinach and olive tapenade
lentils, apple compôte and beetroot salad
labne, broad beans, wild garlic and potato gnocchi
smoked Bordelaise, spring greens and mash
blue cheese, butternut squash, mushrooms and rocket
chocolate fondant, ganache and honey comb
lime leaf foam, mango, coconut sorbet and chilli oil
basil jelly and crème fraîche sorbet
basil panacotta, sorbet and black olive toffee
oat biscuits and fig bread
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